Buku Cant Stop Talking English (Intermediate Student)
Penulis : Ahmad Sunandar dan Makmun Syaifudin
Ukuran: vi, 134 hlm, Uk: 14×20 cm
ISBN: 978-623-209-853-4
Cetakan Pertama: Juli 2019
Welcome to Cant Stop Talking English! This book is inspired by Interchange Third Edition by a well-known writer, teacher, and trainer, Jack C. Richards. The topics in this book are presented in simple words, so they will be easily understood by the students. This book is designed first of all to give students of English the guided practice necessary to develop a speaking ability. It is hoped that students will develop their speaking ability through the controlled materials presented in this book.
This book is focusing on encouraging students ability to speak English well, fluently and accuractly with good pronunciations. Students are given a lot of chance to speak up freely and confidently with provided topics in each unit. Each unit presents simple structures with some exercises to help the students create good sentences in the forms of speaking and writing. Always ask the teacher when you have some difficulties of using this book.
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