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Buku Intrusion Detection System
Penulis : Benfano Soewito
viii, 67 hlm.; Uk:15.5×23 cm
ISBN 978-602-453-827-9
Cetakan Maret 2018.
Buku ini dapat dijadikan referensi untuk penyelesaian syarat tugas akhir untuk menyumbangkan buku berkualitas ke perpustakaan kampus.
Kelebihan Berbelanja di toko kami adalah
1. Buku 100 % Original
2. Dicetak dan di kirim langsung oleh penerbit
3. Buku Ber ISBN
4. Packing Aman dan Rapih
5. Bergaransi
This book presents a design concept of intrusion detection systems. Intrusion Detection System has the capability to monitor network traffic, perform analysis and detect unknown use anomaly detection and detect known attack use string matching algorithm. Once an attack is identified, or anomaly behavior is detected, the alert is generated and sent to a network administrator. In this book we focus on the known. The network traffic will be analyzed and matched with a signature in databas of known signature. The issue of the intrusion detection system is speed. The performance of intrusion detection system or the speed is depended on how we design the system. For this reason, the book provides comprehensive approach to ensuring the intrusion detection system work efficient in high speed.
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